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IoT and medicine, the advances to come
Technology has established itself as the greatest precursor of the advancement of humanity. Its applications in two axes – such as advances in IoT and medicine – represent the most promising of our time. From Electro Lomas we have opted for the merger of both fields to reflect our dedication to service.
What are the IoT and medical advances that are coming soon?
Every year, society witnesses great medical advances that paint an optimistic picture. On this occasion, it is intended to reflect which will be the ones that will dominate progress this year 2023.
1. Smart Imaging
The interpretation of diagnostic imaging based on artificial intelligence is one of the areas with the greatest potential for momentum. Greater precision and speed in the issuance of results is expected, which would have a positive impact on the health system. It is even possible that patients receive some conclusions explained electronically.
In order to design an appropriate process, algorithms will be combined with big data. The University of Hong Kong is studying the possibilities of bringing this medium to reality.
2. AI-based analytics procedures
Analytical processing may receive a decisive boost thanks to the Internet of Things incorporated into medical equipment. The same happens with NLP (natural language processing), which will help provide information understandable by the patient. The results will therefore be more accurate and realistic.
As support systems, ultra-speed Wi-Fi networks and industrial cabling, in which Electro Lomas is a specialist, are intended to be an effective solution. The treatment of large amounts of data through big data will be another of the realities that will be seen in the near future.
3. Optimization of telemedicine
Telemedicine spread out of the blue in March 2020 as a consequence of the COVID pandemic. Currently, it is a measure that has lost strength in the health sector, but it will become predominant again in the future. Spain has established itself as one of the countries that attaches the greatest importance to this modality.
It is expected that the main beneficiaries of this advance will be the elderly. The intention is to provide them with devices that keep them connected to a doctor from their homes.
4. Hospital management platforms
Hospital procedures are frequently marked by a slowness that tends to collapse the system. As a consequence, it is intended to incorporate devices available to patients. In this way, they themselves will be able to expedite their procedures and obtain information in real time.
Among the issues that they will be able to take care of, is making an appointment. Likewise, they can obtain their results without the need to go to a specialist.
As it has been possible to reflect, the relationship between IoT and medicine shows that technology has great advances in store. Human health and scientific cooperation are consolidated as two great pillars for the near future. From Electro Lomas we will continue to occupy a predominant place with the incorporation of cutting-edge equipment. Get to know our products on the web!