Measures towards gender equality and social inclusion
Being a SME company, ELECTROLOMAS does not yet have a drafted equality plan, but it does follow the equality guidelines, trying to ensure that the team is made up of trained people who add value, without gender discriminating. ELECTROLOMAS believes that gender equality is an essential condition to guarantee competitiveness and maintains a clear commitment to initiatives that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men.
Likewise, although the company is not obliged to comply with the 2% workforce with disabilities, we have 2 on the workforce and we are strongly committed to the most sensitive groups. In addition, we collaborate with job placement companies, for people with different types of disabilities, who provide us with HR outsourcing services for people with disabilities, and we have 5 more people who work daily in our facilities.
ELECTROLOMAS wants to continue advancing as an inclusive company that incorporates people into its workforce based on their merits and virtues, not because of their gender, physical or mental condition. To this end, it will continue to advance in the different dimensions that affect equal opportunities.
Circular economy, digitization, training and recycling
At Electrolomas SLU we try to participate in R+D+i projects that involve the development of products that have a minimal environmental impact, both during their development and manufacturing, and at the end of their useful life. In this way, we collaborate with Eurecat in the research of printed electronics on recycled and recyclable composite substrates, so that they offer renewable properties and a lower negative impact, even when dealing with electronic waste.
In our day to day, we participate in the waste management plan of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Regarding the integration of the Circular Economy in our work processes, at Electrolomas we have always advocated increasing the useful life of the products we manufacture, offering Technical Assistance / After sales and taking care of the repair and reuse of the equipment produced.
We are currently in the process of improving our ERP system with which we hope to be able to follow up with more and more current information, incorporating raw materials that may have been recovered, for the production of new products.
Likewise, we are constantly working on improving information management, with the aim of having all information encrypted in the cloud and thus being able to manage work processes in a more effective and competitive manner.
R+D strategy, participation in R+D+I projects
Since 2018 we began to collaborate with research centers. We have been making contacts with both national and European technology centers, as well as with universities/technology transition offices that are looking for partners to give them support in prototyping, co-development of their products or their industrialization. Likewise, we collaborate daily with engineering companies so that together we can offer the development of electronic/mechanical engineering and the industrialization of the product.
Being in contact with start-ups from different sectors also allows us to know the technical needs for the development of new products.
Electrolomas SLU is a partner in the following European/National Projects:
- We have carried out a project within the SmartEEs2 platform within Horizon Europe, dedicated to flexible electronics. We have helped the company iBreve in the industrialization process of a wearable dedicated to health. Electrolomas is part of this European platform for companies and technology centers for the development of printed/flexible electronics, and was chosen as the industrial company for the iTransform project together with iBreve.
- We are part of the ACEFICORE project led by Autotech – Gestamp “Automobiles connected through Functional Electronics integrated into components made from recycled and 100% recyclable materials”.
- We are part of the PERTE VEC1 “light2move” led by Faurecia, in one of the 9 main projects that the tractor project has, together with Industrias Alegre, for the development of light and efficient electronic components that use plastronics technology for electric vehicles and connected.
- Together with Eurecat and Rotimpress, we developed a project CHALLENGES / PCPP Technology for large-scale manufacturing of devices for digitizing analog objects (Fab-4-Digital) CPP2021-008984
We are part of associations of companies that offer innovative technological processes such as SmartEEs, the European Association of Flexible and Wearable Electronics.
We are also part of the BCN Medicare Hub, a group of 7 ISO 13485 certified industrial companies that offer turnkey projects for medical devices.
We are members of CataloniaBio&Health Tech, Association of companies in the biomedicine and health sector in Catalonia.