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New trends in industrial cabling
The cabling industry has generated more than 2,600 million euros in 2021, according to data provided by the INE. The Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Cables and Electrical Conductors and Fiber Optic (FACEL) values the production results with great optimism and considers that Spain has a leading role in this sector. For this reason, we are going to delve into the trends of industrial cabling.
Major trends in current industrial cabling
Innovation and technology play a very important role in the future development of this market. Today, we have new techniques and materials that help reduce production costs and improve connectivity.
Over the next few years, the cable industry is expected to grow considerably. The annual rate until 2026 is 3.6%, so it is necessary to take advantage of global market trends, with a local and international presence. Next, we explain what are the current trends in this sector.
The new drivers for airlines
This is an aspect to be dealt with, since air transmission requires proper air isolation. One of the great advantages is its low cost and the ability to transmit energy quickly. This means that new projects are built with more efficient drivers to adapt to the needs of the sector.
According to the “Global Aerial Cable Market Grouped by Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Applications Forecast 2022-2028” publication, this report forecasts steady growth over the next five years. Therefore, some leading companies, such as Nexans, ZMS Cable Empresa or similar, will benefit.
The importance of GIL transmission systems
On the other hand, we have to mention the GIL transmission systems for their enormous benefits. These lines improve transmission losses, because they have an aluminum casing, which is connected to the earth and an insulated tubular conduit.
We are facing a system with great transmission capacity and that also allows connection with airlines. Possibly the biggest drawback is that the cost is high, however, it has a long useful life. So much so that it can work for 35 years without registering any failure.
Efficient solutions for submarine cables
Finally, the high capacity of these underground cables stands out, as well as their energy efficiency. In this regard, wind energy plays a very important role, since it is an alternative energy that offers great benefits.
Industrial cables benefit the growth of this sector and represent a true innovation and revolution. Therefore, we are facing a new era for these solutions, which favor the interconnection and supply of energy in the underwater environment.
All in all, these industrial cabling trends offer many advantages. The future and development of the cable industry is characterized by its safety, capacity and efficiency. For this reason, the evolution of this technology involves a large investment. In case of doubts, you can contact our company for correct advice. You can also follow us on social networks to be informed of the latest news.